May 2, 2012

final report & farewell

Well the end is here!

Our team just submitted our final report and we're really happy with the end result.
We've learned SO much and had a fun time conducting our design study on aVia.

Goodbye EDSGN 597D! Thanks for a great semester :)

A special thank you to Scarlett, Jim, Videon Central, and our classmates
for a really fun and educational semester!!

April 26, 2012

final video & presentation

Here is a video documenting our interaction design process.

Look for the mini commercial for our aVia prototype at the end :)

View video in Vimeo

You can also check out our final presentation to Videon Central.

Now all we have left is our final report!  Stay tuned for that sometime next week :)

April 22, 2012

final revisions

We can't believe the end is almost in sight!

We have just one more week to implement some revisions based on tester feedback
and finalize our medium-fidelity prototype for our presentation on Thursday.

So right now we're busy making revisions to our prototype and working on our video,
which shows our design phases from the initial observations all the way through to our final design.

Our next blog post this week will include our final presentation and video
...So exciting!

April 20, 2012

Prototyping Testing

Over the past week we've conducted two sets of user testing on our low-fidelity prototype.
We tested playlist creation, social media integration, tagging media, and a recommendation functionality.

We received some great feedback from participants and are now ready
to finalize our prototypes into a semi-functioning medium-fidelity prototype!

April 12, 2012

Day & Night

We've been working hard on getting our low-fidelity prototypes ready for testing this week!
In fact, we've been working days & nights to prepare. Here's what our week has looked like...

In a morning session we discussed our paper storyboards for the prototype.
Coffee was essential.

We also met for dinner to discuss how to construct our low-fidelity prototypes.
Hand-drawn paper vs. photoshopped print-outs...Tough decision.

We decided to use our photoshopping skills to finalize the prototype for testing.
Here are some shots from our late night session in the computer lab.

We're excited to run the tests tomorrow and see what our users think!

April 4, 2012

Prototyping Ideas

Our team is continuing with our prototype idea generation this week.
After doing some brainstorming last week, we've started to focus in on a few concepts for
recommendations, social media integration, and general usability improvements.

We've also found some examples for how to improve the usability of the aVia instructions
screen by considering different types of tutorials and overlays.

We also worked with our classmates to get some feedback on
our preliminary ideas, which was really helpful!

This week we will start to develop our low-fidelity prototypes.

March 28, 2012


It's time to start our prototyping!

This week our group performed some brainstorming strategies to inspire new ideas for our prototype.

We did some concept-mapping, random word association, and wild idea generation.

Today we're also meeting with Videon Central's CTO, Jim Condon, to present some preliminary
findings from our user experience and usability testing, and to get feedback for our prototype.

Later this week, we'll create some low-fidelity prototypes on paper.